Our Mission: “To provide opportunities for our congregation to fulfill our covenant to serve others”
The Eliot Church’s Outreach efforts include programs ranging from local to global. Through our denominational affiliations and our ongoing support of local community-based programs, we have supported some organizations for more than a quarter of a century through financial donations and volunteer efforts.

At the local level, we support a number of organizations and causes. These include Family Promise Metrowest, which, works with more than 30 Metrowest-area congregations to provide transitional shelter, meals and case management to homeless families with children as they seek permanent housing.
The Eliot Church supports hosting churches as they offer hope to homeless families with children through safe transitional shelter, meals and supportive case management.

We also donate time and resources to both the Natick Service Council, a local food pantry, and the Thursday evening Natick Open Door dinners. and our InReach program provides a helping hand for meals, transportation, medical appointments, respite and caring visits to members of our own congregation.

Beyond serving the community’s physical needs, the church also strives to education around social needs and established forums in 2003 to heighten awareness of civil, local, and humanitarian issues. For these forums, we have invited representatives from various groups to present to our members and friends, providing pertinent information about issues in our town and surrounding area.
If you would like more information about the Eliot Church’s Service/Outreach Program, contact us at info@theeliotchurch.org.
Regional: A “Make a House a Home” joint effort with another local church raised money and donations of furnishings for a Pine Street Inn housing structure.
State: Our families have participated in the Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger for over twenty years, raising much-needed funds to support local food pantries and breakfast programs around the state.
Global: Red Cross and Relief Fund global catastrophic events have received financial donations from our congregants. An annual donation is made to the Unitarian Universalist Service Council, a voluntary, nonsectarian organization working to advance justice throughout the world